Captivating Fantasy


A captivating fantasy evokes imagination, artistic colorful inspiration, and a spontaneous creative act. Fresh yellow roses, delicate tulips, pink calla lilies, white hydrangeas, blue irises, white stock flowers, and lush greenery mix together to form a vibrant composition. This bouquet will bring your recipient into a world of her own.


Slightly Smaller


Similar to “As Shown”


Larger and Fuller


Size Guide

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A captivating fantasy evokes imagination, artistic colorful inspiration, and a spontaneous creative act. Fresh yellow roses, delicate tulips, pink calla lilies, white hydrangeas, blue irises, white stock flowers, and lush greenery mix together to form a vibrant composition. This bouquet will bring your recipient into a world of her own.


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Care Instructions

This arrangement comes with a new cleaned vase and good quality water & flower food. For best vase-life, change water every two days.


Varieties and colors of flowers may vary according to season and availability

Delivery Info
You'll receive an email confirmation upon order placement and upon delivery!
Did you know
Hydrangeas’ color is determined by the acidity of the soil it’s planted in. If the soil is too alkaline it will result in pink Hydrangeas.
You may compost these flowers after its vase life. Keep and reuse the vase or bring it in to be recycled!

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