Red Roses on Fire
Choose between 48, 72, 100, 125, or 150 of the finest hand-picked South American red roses arranged in a tall vase in a Pave style and dotted with complementing yellow cymbidium and mokara orchid blooms. The ultimate expression of passion, this work of art is the final word on true love.
Slightly Smaller
Similar to “As Shown”
Larger and Fuller
Purchase options
Choose between 48, 72, 100, 125, or 150 of the finest hand-picked South American red roses arranged in a tall vase in a Pave style and dotted with complementing yellow cymbidium and mokara orchid blooms. The ultimate expression of passion, this work of art is the final word on true love.
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Care Instructions
This arrangement comes with a new cleaned vase and good quality water & flower food. For best vase-life, change water every two days.
Varieties and colors of flowers may vary according to season and availability